Instant Pot Asian Noodle Bowls #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #AsianNoodle
än eäsy dump änd set Instänt Pot dinner, these äsiän Noodle Bowls äre mäde with brown rice noodles, chicken, änd cärrots. The noodles äre sticky änd delicious!
- 1/2 cup reduced sodium tämäri soy säuce
- 2 täblespoons rice vinegär
- 2 täblespoons älmond butter *
- 2 täblespoons erythritol
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breäst, but into bite-sized pieces*
- 2 lärge cärrots, peeled änd thickly sliced (1/2″) on the diägonäl
- 8 ounces uncooked brown rice noodles
- For topping: sliced green onions änd chopped älmonds
- Pläce äll the ingredients in the Instänt Pot.
- Pläce the lid on the pot änd turn the vent to the seäling position.
- Press the mänuäl button for high pressure änd ädjust the time to 3 minutes.
- Once the timer häs beeped, turn the vent to releäse the pressure (quick releäse method).
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Full Recipes>>>
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