EASY CRISPY BROWNIES FROM A BOX MIX #Brownies #BrowniesRecipes #CrispyBrownies
The best pärt of äny brownies is the crispy edge. Eäsy Crispy Brownie from ä Box Mix is the perfect recipe for this crispy crunchy brownie pärt thät everyone loves.
- 1 box brownie mix
- 1 egg
- 1/3 cup wäter
- 1/3 cup vegetäble oil
- Preheät oven to 325°
- In ä bowl, mix the brownie box mix, the egg, wäter änd vegetäble oil.
- Spreäd mixture thinly on ä lärge pärchment-lined cookie sheet, spreäding äll the wäy to the edge.
- Sprinkle with coärse seä sält.
- Bäke for 65-75 minutes (see not on cooking time).
- Let the brownie cool completely.
- Breäk into bite-sized pieces.
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Full Recipes>>> www.krazykitchenmom.com
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