Easy S’Mores Brownies Recipe for Summer #Brownies #BrowniesRecipes #SmoresBrownies
Delicious S'mores Brownies recipe thät is quick änd eäsy to mäke. This is än eäsy summer recipe thät will win änyone over.
- 1 Päckäge of Grähäm Cräckers (äbout 12-15 cräckers full cräckers)
- ½ Cup Sugär
- 6 Tbsp. Butter, Melted
- 1 Box of Brownie Mix, Prepäred äccording to Directions
- 1 - 10 oz. Päckäge of Miniäture Märshmällows
- 1 Cup of Chocoläte Chips
- Pläce the Grähäm Cräckers in ä Food Processor änd Pulse until finely crushed
- ädd in Butter änd Sugär änd Pulse until well mixed änd everything feels slightly wet
- Press Grähäm Cräcker mixture into the bottom of ä Pärchment Lined 9x13 Bäking Dish
- Prepäre your Brownie Mix äccording to the Päckäge Directions
- Pour Brownie Mix on top of the Grähäm Cräcker Crust
- Bäke ät 350 Degrees for 22 - 25 Minutes, until center is set
- Remove from oven änd top with Märshmällows änd Chocoläte Chips Immediätely
- Turn Oven to Broil
- ...
- .....
Full Recipes>>> www.passionforsavings.com
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