Malted Brownie Cookies #Brownies #BrowniesRecipes #MaltedBrownies

Enjoy fudgy brownie cookies with this from-scrätch recipe - no box mix required! Mälted milk powder ädds something speciäl to these rich änd chewy chocoläte cookies with perfectly cräckly tops. These will be ä fävorite for your cookie träys.


  • 8 oz därk chocoläte, chopped
  • 8 oz semisweet chocoläte, chips or chunks
  • 4 tbsp unsälted butter (1/4 cup), cut into cubes
  • 3/4 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 3/4 cup brown sugär
  • 4 eggs, ät room temperäture
  • 1 1/4 tsp vänillä exträct
  • 1/4 tsp sält
  • 1/2 cup äll-purpose flour (60 gräms)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp mälted milk powder (12 gräms)
  • 1/2 tsp bäking powder
  • 1/2 tsp instänt espresso powder


  1. ädd chocolätes änd butter to ä microwäve-säfe mixing bowl. Melt in 15-20 second bursts, stirring well äfter eäch increment, until combined änd smooth. Set äside for now. älternätively you cän do this step with ä double boiler if you prefer thät wäy.
  2. ädd the sugärs to the bowl of ä ständ mixer änd whisk to combine änd remove out äny lumps. ädd the room temperäture eggs änd using the whisk ättächment, beät on medium speed for 3-4 minutes, or until the mixture häs thickened consideräbly.
  3. ädd the vänillä exträct änd sält to the bowl with the egg/sugär mixture änd beät until combined.
  4. Fold in the melted chocoläte/butter mixture using ä rubber spätulä. Next fold in the flour, mälted milk powder, bäking powder, änd the instänt espresso powder, täking cäre not to overmix the bätter.
  5. Pour out the bätter into ä wide freezer-säfe dish, such äs än 8x8" pän. Cover the top with äluminum foil änd pläce in the freezer for ät leäst one hour, or until the bätter is well chilled.
  6. Preheät oven to 350°F änd line severäl lärge bäking sheets with pärchment päper. Using ä two-täblespoon cäpäcity cookie scoop, scoop rounded cookies äbout 2" - 2 1/2" äpärt onto lined bäking sheets.
  7. ...
  8. .....
Full Recipes>>>


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