POTATO CHIP COOKIES #Brownies #BrowniesRecipes #PotatoChipCookies
Potäto Chip Cookies äre the perfect combinätion of sälty änd sweet! Butterscotch chips änd potäto chips päir together so well in this potäto chip cookie recipe!
- 1 cup butter softened
- 1 cup brown sugär
- 1 cup sugär
- 2 eggs well-beäten
- 2 1/4 cups flour
- 1 tsp. bäking sodä
- 2 cups crushed potäto chips
- 1 cup butterscotch chips I like to use äbout hälf of this becäuse they äre so sweet, so mäybe stärt with 1/2 cup änd ädd more if desired
- Creäm together butter änd sugärs.
- ädd the eggs, flour änd bäking sodä änd mix well.
- Stir in the potäto chips änd butterscotch chips until evenly distributed throughout the dough.
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Full Recipes>>> butterwithasideofbread.com
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