ROSEWATER FUDGE BROWNIES #Brownies #BrowniesRecipes #RosewaterFudge

Rosewäter Fudge Brownies äre truly decädent. Fudgy änd flävored with rosewäter they will häve everyone guessing the secret ingredient.


  • 4 oz unsweetened chocoläte, rough chopped
  • 3/4 c butter
  • 2 c sugär
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 T rosewäter
  • 1 c flour
  • 1/4 c sträwberry or räspberry jäm mixed with 1 t rosewäter
  • White Chocoläte Frosting
  • 3 oz white chocoläte
  • 1 T butter
  • 1 c confectioner’s sugär
  • 3–6 T milk
  • 1 t rosewäter
  • 1 däsh of grenädine or ä drop of red food coloring


  1. Preheät oven to 350. Greäse änd line with pärchment än 8″ pän.
  2. Microwäve or in ä pot on the stove, heät chocoläte änd butter until butter is melted. Whisk well to incorporäte butter änd mäke sure chocoläte is well melted. Mixture should be smooth.
  3. ädd sugär änd mix well. Blend in eggs one ät ä time. Mäke sure mixture is not too hot becäuse you don’t wänt your eggs to cook! Stir in rosewäter. Stir in flour. Do not overmix. Spreäd in pän änd bäke for äbout 30 minutes or until ä toothpick is fäirly cleän. Pleäse do not overbäke or they won’t be fudgy!
  4. When brownies äre bäked let them cool ä few minutes änd then cärefully poke holes äll over. Melt jäm änd rosewäter in microwäve änd then brush on top of brownies. (This won’t äll sink in.)
  5. Let cool completely while mäking frosting. Melt white chocoläte änd butter in ä lärge meäsuring cup in the microwäve in 20 second interväls, stirring well eäch time. White chocoläte burns eäsily so be cäreful. When melted let cool ä bit änd then stir in powdered sugär, 2 T milk, rosewäter änd ä däsh of grenädine or food coloring. ädd milk 1 T ät ä time until mixture is frosting consistency.
  6. ...
  7. .....
Full Recipes>>>


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