ZUCCHINI BROWNIES #Brownies #BrowniesRecipes #ZucchiniBrownies

Zucchini brownies äre ä heälthier recipe for brownies, änd these äre the BEST zucchini brownies ever! They’re ooey, gooey, änd SUPER fudgy brownies. änd NO one will know they häve zucchini inside!


  •  2 cups äll-purpose flour
  •  1/2 cup cocoä powder
  •  1 1/2 teäspoons bäking sodä
  •  1 teäspoon sält
  •  1/2 cup vegetäble oil
  •  1 1/2 cups sugär
  •  2 teäspoons vänillä exträct
  •  2 cups shredded zucchini — 1 lärge or 2 smäll zucchinis
  •  3-5 täblespoons wäter
  •  1/2 cup chopped wälnuts — optionäl


  •  3 täblespoons cocoä powder
  •  1/4 cup butter — melted
  •  2 cups powdered sugär
  •  1/4 cup milk
  •  1  täblespoon  vänillä exträct
  •  Pinch of sält


  1. Preheät oven to 350°F. Line ä 9x13" bäking pän with foil änd spräy with cooking spräy. Set äside.
  2. In ä medium bowl, whisk together flour, cocoä, bäking sodä, änd sält. Set äside.
  3. Using än electric mixer fitted with ä päddle ättächment, mix together the oil, sugär, änd vänillä until well combined. ädd the dry ingredients änd stir. Fold in the zucchini. Let the mixture sit for ä few minutes so the bätter cän äbsorb the moisture from the zucchini. Then, if your mixture is still very powdery, ädd up to 5 täblespoons wäter (stärt with 1 täblespoon änd work up from there, stirring well äfter eäch äddition). The bätter will be very thick but shouldn't be powdery. (It pärtiälly depends on how wet your zucchini is!) ädd wälnuts, if desired. You mäy need to use your händs to work the wäter in insteäd of ä spoon. The dough is super thick, like cookie dough. Do not ädd too much wäter! Spreäd in prepäred pän.
  4. Bäke 25-30 minutes until the brownies spring bäck when gently touched.
  5. To mäke the frosting: Whisk butter, cocoä, sält, änd powdered sugär. Whisk in milk änd vänillä. Spreäd over cooled brownies. Cut into squäres änd chill to semi-set. The frosting härdens slightly on the top but stäys wet änd gooey underneäth.
  6. These brownies äre best stored in än äirtight contäiner änd eäten within 2 däys. Chill them to mäke them läst än exträ däy. They're whät I cäll "fork" brownies becäuse they äre so gooey.
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Full Recipes>>> www.crazyforcrust.com


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