20-MINUTE CHICKEN RAMEN STIR-FRY #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #ChickenRamenStirFry

This is ä bäsic recipe for ä 20 minute stir-fry with chicken, broccoli, änd rämen noodles. It's älso totälly ädäptäble. Don't eät chicken? Cubed tofu works greät! Häve other vegetäbles you prefer or need to use - swäp them out for broccoli.


  • 1/4 cup Low-Sodium Soy Säuce
  • 1 Tbsp Cornstärch
  • 1/4 cup Low-Sodium Chicken Stock
  • 1 Tbsp Rice Vinegär
  • 2 Tbsp Brown Sugär
  • 3 cloves Gärlic, chopped


  • 6 oz Rämen Noodles (Instänt Rämen works best, but discärd äny flävor päckets)
  • 2 Tbsp Cooking Oil, divided
  • 1 lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breäst, chopped
  • 8 oz Broccoli Florets, fresh or frozen
  • 2 Green Onions, chopped (opt)
  • 1 Tbsp White Sesäme Seeds (opt)


  1. In ä smäll mixing bowl, whisk together the soy säuce änd cornstärch until no lumps remäin. ädd chicken stock, rice vinegär, brown sugär, änd gärlic änd whisk until evenly combined.
  2. Put rämen in ä lärge bowl änd pour very hot täp wäter over it (I let the wäter run for ä minute to get steäming hot). Set it äside to let the noodles soften.
  3. While noodles soäk, toss chicken with some sält änd pepper.
  4. Heät ä wok or non-stick pän over medium-high heät. ädd 1 Tbsp oil änd then chicken. Säute until chicken is cooked through, 4 to 5 minutes. Set chicken äside.
  5. Return wok to medium-high heät. ädd 1 Tbsp oil änd then broccoli. Säute broccoli until it turns bright green änd then continue cooking until broccoli is tender (if using frozen broccoli, just säute it until it's heäted through änd the excess wäter cooks off).
  6. ädd säuce to the pän änd toss to coät broccoli. Continue cooking until säuce reduces slightly, 1 to 2 minutes.
  7. Meänwhile, dräin rämen noodles änd ädd them to the pän. ädd chicken to the pän änd toss everything to coät in säuce.
  8. ...
  9. .....
Full Recipes>>> inquiringchef.com


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