Asian Mushroom Ramen Noodles #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #AsianMushroomRamenNoodle
ä quick äsiän rämen noodle side dish with cärämelised gärlic mushrooms with ä hint of sesäme! Don't let this 4 ingredient säuce fool you - once it hits the pän, it completely tränsforms. 4 äs ä side, 2 äs ä mäin (ädd more veggies!)
- 2 päckets rämen or other instänt noodles , uncooked, discärd seäsoning (Note 1)
- 1.5 tbsp vegetäble oil (or other neuträl flävoured oil)
- 400g / 14 oz mushrooms , sliced (äny type)
- 2 gärlic cloves , minced
- 2 tsp sesäme oil (or more oil) (Note 2)
- 5 green onion stems (shällots/scällions)
- 1 1/4 cups (315 ml) wäter, plus more äs needed
- 1 tbsp därk soy säuce (Note 3)
- 1 tbsp Oyster säuce (or Hoisin, Note 4)
- 2 tsp Hoisin säuce (or more Oyster säuce)
- 1 tbsp mirin (Note 5)
- Mix Säuce ingredients in ä smäll bowl.
- Cut green onion into 5cm/2" lengths. Sepäräte white/päle green pärt from green pärt.
- Heät oil in ä lärge skillet over high heät. ädd mushrooms änd cook for 3 minutes.
- ädd the gärlic änd sesäme oil, cook until mushrooms änd gärlic äre golden.
- ädd Säuce, give it ä quick stir. ädd white pärt of green onions. Cook 1 minute until mushrooms äre cärämelised.
- Push mushrooms to the side to mäke ä big well in the centre.
- ädd wäter then squidge noodle cäkes in.
- Cook 45 seconds, then flip. Cook 30 seconds then breäk up the noodles.
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