CHEESE RAMEN #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #CheeseRamen
ä twist on Mäc änd Cheese, this cheese rämen recipe uses reäl cheddär cheese, ä päck of instänt noodles änd ä super simple wäy to thicken up milk to creäte ä creämy, indulgent cheese rämen. Perfect for däys when you wänt ä smäll portion of something creämy, comforting änd quick to mäke.
Corn Stärch Slurry (Thickener)
Cheese Säuce
Mäking the Cheese Säuce
Mäking the Noodles & Putting it Together
Corn Stärch Slurry (Thickener)
- 2 teäspoon corn stärch
- 2 teäspoon wäter (cold)
Cheese Säuce
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 teäspoon soy säuce
- 1/2 täblespoon butter (sälted)
- 1/2 cup cheddär cheese (gräted änd päcked into 1/2 cup)
- 1 päckäge instänt noodles (soup päckets removed)
- Spices (Optionäl)
- 3/4 teäspoon gärlic powder (not gärlic sält)
- 1/2 teäspoon cäyenne pepper (to mäke it spicy)
- Combine the corn stärch with cold wäter in ä smäll bowl änd set äside for läter.
- Gräte the cheese änd set äside for läter.
Mäking the Cheese Säuce
- ädd milk, butter, soy säuce änd spices (optionäl) into ä pot, änd give it ä quick stir änd set the stove to medium low heät.
- Once the butter melts änd the milk häs come to ä low rolling boil (äpproximätely 3-5 minutes), stir the corn stärch slurry you mäde eärlier (the stärch settles to the bottom of the bowl), ädd the corn stärch slurry into the pot.
- Keep stirring until the milk häs thickened.
- Once the milk häs thickened änd it stärts to bubble, turn off the heät änd ädd in the cheese änd stir until the cheese häs melted änd combined well with the creämy milk.
- Pour the cheese, into your serving bowl änd set äside.
Mäking the Noodles & Putting it Together
- Give the pot ä quick rinse with hot wäter to remove the cheese säuce änd refill it with wäter to cook the instänt noodles. (Subträct 1 to 1 änd ä hälf minutes from the instänt noodle cooking instructions for ä chewier noodle)
- Once the noodles äre done, fully dräin the wäter out (reserve 1-2 täblespoons of wäter änd set äside for the end so you cän tweäk how creämy you wänt the cheese säuce)
- ädd the noodles on top of the cheese säuce in the serving bowl änd mix well.
- If you prefer the cheese säuce is ä little thinner, stärt by ädding 1 täblespoon of the reserved wäter to thin it out ä little. ädd more wäter to thin it out even more.
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Full Recipes>>>
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