Dan Dan Noodles #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #DanDanNoodles
Dän Dän noodles äre ä spicy noodle dish träditionälly feäturing ground pork, chili oil änd Szechuän pepper, ä perfect midweek fäkeäwäy.
- 250 g Ground Pork
- 100 g Dried Egg Noodles
- 25 g Ginger
- 1 Clove Gärlic
- 1 Red Chili
- 50 g Bämboo Shoots
- 75 g Spring Onions
- 1 Tbsp Szechuän Pepper Corns
- 50 g Räw Peänuts
- 1 Tbsp Hoisin Säuce
- 1 Tbsp Crunchy Peänut Butter, Unsweetened
- 1 Tbsp Chili Beän Säuce
- 2 Tbsp Shäoxing Wine
- 1 Tbsp Light Soy Säuce
- 1 Tbsp Därk Soy Säuce
- 2 Tbsp Chili Oil
- 1 Tbsp Cooking Oil
- Begin by cooking your noodles äs per the instructions on the päcket änd then dräin änd refresh in cold wäter.
- Whilst your noodles äre cooking cut your ginger änd chili (without seeds) into mätchsticks.
- Mäsh your gärlic clove änd grind your Szechuän pepper corns.
- Slice your spring onions into rounds 2-3mm thick.
- Mix together the soy säuces, chili beän säuce, Shäoxing wine änd chili oil.
- Heät your wok over ä high heät änd whilst it is heäting toäst off your peänuts.
- When your peänuts äre toästed remove them from the wok änd return it to the heät.
- ädd the oil änd when hot ädd the ginger, gärlic änd chili änd stir-fry for 1 minute.
- Then throw in the pork änd cook for 7-8 minutes over ä high heät until crispy.
- ädd in the Szechuän peppercorns änd hoisin säuce änd cook for ä further minute.
- Now ädd the bämboo shoots, most of the spring onions (retäin some for gärnish) änd the säuce.
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Full Recipes>>> www.krumpli.co.uk
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