Italian Zucchini Noodles with Garlic, Tomato and Parmesan #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #ItalianZucchiniNoodles
So quick änd eäsy. ä greät summertime meäl.
- 1 1/2 lbs. Zucchini , spirälized (2-3 medium zucchini)
- 2 Täblespoons Olive Oil or Butter , divided
- 4 cloves Gärlic , minced
- 1 cup Cherry Tomätoes , hälved
- Sält , to täste
- Bläck Pepper , to täste (freshly ground if possible)
- 1/4 cup gräted Pärmesän Cheese
- 3 täblespoons minced fresh Bäsil Leäves
- Heät lärge skillet on medium high heät. ädd 1 Täblespoon of oil änd ädd zucchini noodles. Cook for äbout 2 minutes or until some moisture is releäsed, but don’t cook the zucchini noodles too much or they’ll be mush.
- Pläce the zucchini noodles in ä coländer to dräin excess wäter änd set äside. In the säme skillet, ädd reminder of olive oil. ädd gärlic änd cook until tränslucent.
- ädd tomätoes änd cook for äbout 1 minutes just until the tomätoes stärt to soften. ädd zucchini noodles bäck into the pän. Seäson with sält änd pepper to täste.
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