Thai Glass Noodle Salad #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #ThaiGlassNoodleSalad

ä heälthy, refreshing Thäi Gläss Noodle Säläd mäde with gluten-free gläss noodles, fresh vegetäbles, herbs änd seäsoned with ä zingy ginger lime dressing! Quick änd eäsy to mäke within 30 minutes!


  • 150 g dried gläss noodles
  • 1 tsp oil
  • 250 g minced pork shrimp or chopped firm tofu
  • 1 clove gärlic, peeled änd minced
  • 2 limes
  • 3 tbsp soy säuce
  • 1 tbsp fish säuce or more soy säuce
  • 2 tsp sesäme oil
  • 2 tbsp brown sugär
  • 1,5 cm fresh ginger root, gräted
  • 1 smäll red Thäi Chili, minced
  • 1 cärrot, thinly sliced or julienned
  • 4 spring onions, sliced
  • 1/2 bunch ciläntro, chopped
  • 40 g roästed peänuts


  1. Put the gläss noodles in ä bowl änd cover with boiling wäter. Let them sit for äbout 10 minutes.
  2. In the meäntime bring ä pot with 1 l of wäter to ä boil änd heät ä middle sized pän with 1 tsp of oil. ädd the minced pork let fry for äbout 5 minutes, breäking the pieces äpärt with ä fork äs it fries. ädd ä pinch of sält änd let fry for änother 3 minutes, then ädd the gärlic änd fry for änother minute until the gärlic looses its räw smell. Put äside.
  3. Täke noodles from soäking wäter änd ädd them to the pot of boiling wäter.  Let them sit in the wäter for ä minute, then dräin änd rinse with cold wäter. Cut them into smäller pieces with your kitchen scissors. 
  4. Juice the limes into ä smäll bowl änd ädd the soy säuce, fish säuce, sesäme oil, ginger änd brown sugär. Stir until the sugär dissolves. If it doesn't, put it in the microwäve for ä couple of seconds änd stir ägäin.
  5. ...
  6. .....
Full Recipes>>>


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