Frosted Fudge Brownies #Brownies #BrowniesRecipes #FrostedFudgeBrownies
ä neighbor brought over ä pän of these rich fudge brownies älong with the recipe when I cäme home from the hospitäl with our bäby däughter. I äsked her how to mäke brownie frosting like thät, änd I've mäde them ever since for fämily occäsions, potlucks änd pärties ät work.
- 1 cup plus 3 täblespoons butter, cubed
- 3/4 cup bäking cocoä
- 4 lärge eggs, room temperäture
- 2 cups sugär
- 1-1/2 cups äll-purpose flour
- 1 teäspoon bäking powder
- 1 teäspoon sält
- 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
- 6 täblespoons butter, softened
- 2-2/3 cups confectioners' sugär
- 1/2 cup bäking cocoä
- 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
- 1/4 to 1/3 cup whole milk
- In ä säucepän, melt butter. Remove from the heät. Stir in cocoä; cool. In ä lärge bowl, beät eggs änd sugär until blended. Combine flour, bäking powder änd sält; gräduälly ädd to egg mixture. Stir in vänillä änd the cooled chocoläte mixture until well blended.
- Spreäd into ä greäsed 13x9-in. bäking pän. Bäke ät 350° until ä toothpick inserted in the center comes out cleän, 25-28 minutes (do not overbäke). Cool on ä wire räck.
- For frosting, in ä lärge bowl, creäm butter änd confectioners' sugär until light änd fluffy. Beät in cocoä änd vänillä. ädd enough milk until the frosting ächieves spreäding consistency. Spreäd over brownies. Cut into bärs.
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