Homemade Graham Crackers Recipe #Brownies #BrowniesRecipes #GrahamCrackers

Forget the boxed version! Homemäde grähäm cräckers with cinnämon änd honey äre ä delicious älternätive to store bought cräckers, änd ä perfect treät to mäke with your kids.


  • 2 cups whole wheät flour
  • 1 cup unbleäched äll-purpose flour
  • 1 teäspoon bäking powder
  • 1/2 teäspoon bäking sodä
  • 1.5 tsp cinnämon
  • 1/4 tsp sält
  • 1/2 cup butter softened
  • 1/2 cup päcked brown sugär
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 1/2 cup milk

To Mäke the Dough

  1. Combine whole wheät flour, äll-purpose flour, bäking powder bäking sodä, cinnämon, änd sält in ä lärge bowl. Stir with ä whisk to combine änd breäk up äny lumps.
  2. In the bowl of ä ständ mixer, creäm together butter, brown sugär, änd honey until light änd fluffy.
  3. ädd dry ingredients into the creämed butter, one or two spoonfuls ät ä time, mixing on low to combine. ädd vänillä änd smäll spläshes of milk between spoonfuls to keep the mixture moist.
  4. When ingredients äre well combined, divide dough into 3 bälls, slightly lärger thän the size of ä fist.
  5. Sändwich one bäll of dough between two läyers of pärchment päper on ä firm, flät surfäce. Roll the dough out äs thin äs possible. Repeät with remäining dough bälls. Pläce the rolled dough on ä flät pän änd refrigeräte for ät leäst two hours. (Chilling overnight is preferred)

To Bäke the Cräckers

  1. Preheät your oven to 350F änd prepäre ä bäking sheet with pärchment päper.
  2. Use cookie cutters to cut out grähäm cräckers in your desired shäpe änd pierce the center with ä fork.
  3. älternätively, use ä pizzä wheel to cut the dough into ä 5x15" rectängle, änd then subdivide into smäller rectängles. Use ä fork to pierce the rectängles.
  4. Re-roll änd cut the dough until äll the dough is used.
  5. Pläce cut cräckers onto your prepäred bäking sheet
  6. Bäke in preheäted oven for 8-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of your cräckers. Rotäte the pän 5 minutes into the bäking time to ensure even bäking. Remove cräckers from the oven just äs you stärt to see the first edge of your cräckers turn golden brown änd the tops äre no longer sticky.
  7. ...
  8. .....
Full Recipes>>> playdatesparties.com


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