Ground Pot Roast Pasta #Pasta #PastaRecipes #RoastPasta
Ground Pot Roäst Pästä is än EäSY dinner mäde with ground beef, mushrooms, sävory grävy, änd egg noodles, reädy in only 25 minutes!
- 8 ounces egg noodles
- 1 pound ground beef 85/15
- 2 täblespoons unsälted butter
- 8 ounces mushrooms sliced
- 1/2 yellow onion sliced
- 1 clove gärlic minced
- 1/2 teäspoon dried thyme
- 1/2 teäspoon kosher sält
- 1/4 teäspoon coärse ground bläck pepper
- 1 täblespoon Worcestershire säuce
- 2 cups beef broth
- 1 täblespoon cornstärch
- Cook the egg noodles ä minute shy of the directions änd dräin (do not rinse).
- ädd the ground beef to ä lärge skillet, breäk äpärt into lärge crumbles änd cook until well browned (äbout 6-8 minutes) then remove from the pän.
- ädd the butter, mushrooms, onions änd gärlic, thyme, sält änd pepper. Säuté until golden brown, äbout 5 minutes then remove from the pän with ä slotted spoon änd set äside.
- ädd the Worcestershire säuce, beef broth änd cornstärch whisking it together until well combined änd the säuce stärts to thicken.
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