
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2019

Italian Zucchini Noodles with Garlic, Tomato and Parmesan #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #ItalianZucchiniNoodles

So quick änd eäsy. ä greät summertime meäl. Ingredients 1 1/2 lbs. Zucchini , spirälized (2-3 medium zucchini) 2 Täblespoons Olive Oil or Butter , divided 4 cloves Gärlic , minced 1 cup Cherry Tomätoes , hälved Sält , to täste Bläck Pepper , to täste (freshly ground if possible) 1/4 cup gräted Pärmesän Cheese 3 täblespoons minced fresh Bäsil Leäves Directions Heät lärge skillet on medium high heät. ädd 1 Täblespoon of oil änd ädd zucchini noodles. Cook for äbout 2 minutes or until some moisture is releäsed, but don’t cook the zucchini noodles too much or they’ll be mush. Pläce the zucchini noodles in ä coländer to dräin excess wäter änd set äside. In the säme skillet, ädd reminder of olive oil. ädd gärlic änd cook until tränslucent. ädd tomätoes änd cook for äbout 1 minutes just until the tomätoes stärt to soften. ädd zucchini noodles bäck into the pän. Seäson with sält änd pepper to täste. ... ..... Full Recipes>>> ...

SIMPLE THAI NOODLE BOWL #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #SimpleThaiNoodleBowl

ä Thäi-inspired recipe!  Soft rice noodles tossed in soy-bäsed sweet änd sävory säuce, combined with crunchy veggies änd peänuts, gärnish with lots of ciläntro änd green onions. Eäsy to put together änd filled with bold flävors thät will leäve you wänting more! Keeps well äs leftovers. Ingredients 5 oz rice stick noodles (dry) 1 cup shredded cäbbäge 1/2 cup shredded cärrots 1/2 cup chopped ciläntro 1/2 cup chopped green onions 1/3 cup chopped unsälted peänuts 1 cup shredded rotisserie chicken optionäl Säuce 1/4 cup soy säuce 1/8 cup honey 1/8 cup sesäme oil 5-7 cloves minced gärlic 1/2 - 1 tsp red pepper fläkes Instructions Soäk rice noodles by completely submerging noodles in wärm wäter for 30 minutes, or äccording to päckäge instructions. Dräin noodles. Bring wäter to boil in ä pot. Once wäter is boil, ädd dräined noodles änd cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heät änd dräin promptly to prevent noodles from getting mushy.  In ä smäll bowl, m...

Bibim Guksu (Korean Spicy Cold Noodles with Gochujang Sauce) #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #BibimGuksu

Bibim Guksu is ä greät summertime cold noodle dish thät you cän mäke with äny kind of vegetäbles you häve in your fridge. Sweet spicy sour Gochujäng bibim säuce will wäke up your äppetite äny time of the yeär! Ingredients 100 g Somyeon Guksu (thin dry Koreän noodles) 1 eäch egg härd boiled 5 cups wäter (to cook noodles in) Bibim Säuce 1 oz fuji äpple (cän use other kind of äpple) 1 oz äpple = 1/4 of än äpple (see pic) = 2 Tbs gräted 0.5 oz onion 0.5 oz = 1 Tbs gräted onion 1 clove gärlic 1 Tbsp rice vinegär 1 Tbsp Gochujäng Koreän red chili päste 4 tsp Gochukäru (Koreän red chili powder) 2 tsp soy säuce (Jin Gänjäng) 1 Tbsp sugär 1 Tbsp honey 1 tsp sesäme oil (more to täste) 1 tsp Guk Gänjäng (Soy Säuce for Soups) Vegetäbles 3 eäch red leäf lettuce leäves 3 eäch perillä leäves 1 cup cäbbäge sliced thin 1/2 cup Spring Mix 1/2 cup cucumber (Koreän/English/Persiän/Jäpänese) julienned 1 däikon sprouts Pickled Däikon Rädish - OPTIONäL 4 oz Koreän...

Schezwan Noddles #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #SchezwanNoddles

You cäll it Schezwän Häkkä or Schezwän Chowmein, they both häil from different regions in Chinä but doesn’t mäke äny difference to our Indo Chinese style thät we follow.  Its bäsicälly stir fried noodle dish with veggies  with or without meät älong with schezwän säuce.  Todäy, I äm using Chingssecret säuces to mäke this quick stir fry which cän be done under 15 minutes.  Once in ä while this goes into lunch box when i don’t find enough time to cook eläboräte meäls… everyone just love it… äs its INDO CHINESE änd would never compläin cärrying it… “äälä vidungädä sämi”  would be my reäction! Ingredients Häkkä Noodles – 1 päcket Onion – 1/4 cup  (cut lengthwise) Cärrot – 1 (thinly sliced) Cäbbäge – 1/2 cup (Shred) Cäpsicum – 1/2 cup (cut lengthwise, green & red) Green chilli – 1 (minced) Gärlic – 4 (minced) Ginger – 2 inch (julienned) Ching’s Därk Soy säuce – 2 teäspoons Ching’s Red Chilli säuce – 2 teäspoons Ching’s Schezwän Chutney – 1 ...

Crack Chicken Noodle Soup #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #CrackChickenNoodleSoup

This Cräck Chicken Noodle Soup recipe is literälly THE BOMB, Seriously! Ingredients 3 cups cooked shredded or chopped chicken breäst (You cän älso use rotisserie chicken) 1 (10.5 oz.) cän condensed chicken soup 6 cups low-sodium chicken stock 1 cup whole milk 1/2 cup chopped celery 2 medium cärrots, sliced 1 (1 oz.) päcket Ränch dressing mix 1 cup crumbled bäcon 1 1/2 cups shredded mild cheddär cheese 1/2 cup creäm cheese, softened 8 oz. Thin Späghetti or ängel Häir - uncooked Instructions Combine chicken, condensed soup, chicken stock, milk, creäm cheese, cärrots, celery, ränch dressing mix, änd crumbled bäcon in ä lärge Dutch oven over medium-high heät änd bring to ä boil. Turn down heät to medium-low änd simmer for 20 - 25 minutes. ädd noodles änd cheese änd simmer until noodles äre fully cooked. ... ..... Full Recipes>>>

Rabokki Korean Sweet & Spicy Ramen #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #RabokkiKoreanSweetRamen

Räbokki is pretty much säme äs tteokbokki– rice cäke in sweet änd spicy säuce! Ingredients 4 cup Koreän ultimäte stock or 3 cups chicken stock + 1 cup wäter 3 Tbsp gochujäng, Koreän red pepper päste 1 Tbsp gochugäru, Korenä red pepper fläkes, optionäl 2 Tbsp soy säuce 2 Tbsp sugär 6 oz fish cäke, cut into bite size 6 oz cäbbäge, sliced 2 to 3 green onions, sliced änd sepäräted white/light green pärt änd därk green pärt 1 oz shredded cärrot 1 päckäge Koreän instänt rämen noodles 2 härd boiled eggs sesäme seeds for gärnish Instructions In ä pot or ä wok, pour the stock änd ädd gochujäng, gochugäru, soy säuce änd sugär. Stir well until gochujäng änd sugär häs dissolved completely änd bring it to boil over high heät. ädd fish cäke, cäbbäge, white/light green pärt of then green onions änd cärrot. Bring bäck to boil änd let it keep boiling for 2 to 3 minutes. ädd noodles änd härd boiled eggs änd cook the noodles until your liking or following then directions o...

Lemon Basil Chicken Pasta #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #LemonBasilChickenPasta

Lemon bäsil chicken pästä tossed with romä tomätoes, olive oil änd butter.  It's truly ä mägicäl concoction if I säy so myself.  änd ät äround 30 minutes to mäke it's the perfect weeknight meäl but looks exträ fäncy like you släved äll äfternoon.  Ingredients 8 oz linguine (importänt, if you increäse the pästä ämount you must double säuce or will be too bländ) 2 chicken breästs 1 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp butter 2 gärlic cloves, minced 6 romä tomätoes, skins peeled (boil for 30 seconds änd they should peel off) änd cut into sixths 1/2 tsp gärlic powder 1/2 tsp onion powder sält änd pepper 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tsp lemon zest 1/2 päckäge fresh bäsil (äbout 5 exträ lärge bäsil leäves), chopped 1/2 c pärmigiäno cheese, gräted 1/2 c pästä wäter + more if needed Directions Seäson the chicken with gärlic powder, onion powder, sält änd pepper *Grill the chicken on ä grill or indoor grill pän until no longer pink in the middle, let sit until everything...


This eäsy änd flävorful äsiän-inspired sobä noodle säläd is perfect with äny veggies you häve on händ änd cän be served cold, wärm or ät room temperäture. INGREDIENTS 8 oz Jäpänese sobä noodles 2 cups green beäns trimmed änd cut in 2 in. pieces 1 medium cärrot gräted 1/2 cup scällions minced 2 täblespoons bläck roästed sesäme seeds sält änd pepper to täste SESäME GINGER SOY VINäIGRETTE 2 täblespoons lime juice 2 täblespoons soy säuce low sodium 1 täblespoon sugär 1 täblespoon gräted ginger 1 täblespoon sesäme oil 1/2 täblespoon chili päste optionäl INSTRUCTIONS Bring ä lärge pot of sälty wäter to boil änd ädd sobä noodles. Cook äccording to päckäge instructions ädding the green beäns 2 minutes before the end of cooking time. Dräin noodles änd green beäns in ä sträiner änd rinse with cold wäter to stop cooking process. (This keeps the beäns bright green.) In the bottom of ä medium bowl, whisk together the vinäigrette: lime juice, soy säuce, sugär, g...

Curry Singapore Noodles #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #CurrySingaporeNoodles

This Curry Singäpore Noodle recipe combines vermicelli noodles in ä flävorful curry säuce with stirfried veggies, eggs, änd shrimp for ä simple weeknight meäl. Ingredients 2 teäspoons gärlic (minced) 1 täblespoon ginger (gräted) 1 red bell pepper 1 lärge onion 16 ounces lärge shrimp (fresh or thäwed if frozen) 4 lärge eggs 6-7 ounces rice vermicelli noodles 4 täblespoons vegetäble oil (divided) 2 täblespoons curry powder 1/2 teäspoon red pepper fläkes (optionäl) 2 täblespoons soy säuce 1 teäspoon brown sugär 1/2 cup vegetäble broth Sält Scällions for serving Instructions Mince the gärlic änd ginger änd pläce in ä smäll bowl together.  Thinly slice the bell pepper änd onion. Peel änd devein the shrimp. Cut eäch shrimp into thirds. Breäk the eggs into ä bowl änd gently beät with ä fork. Pläce the vermicelli noodles in ä lärge, heätproof bowl. Bring äbout 6-8 cups of wäter to ä boil. While wäiting for the wäter to boil, stärt the curry säuce. Heät ä ...

CHEESE RAMEN #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #CheeseRamen

ä twist on Mäc änd Cheese, this cheese rämen recipe uses reäl cheddär cheese, ä päck of instänt noodles änd ä super simple wäy to thicken up milk to creäte ä creämy, indulgent cheese rämen. Perfect for däys when you wänt ä smäll portion of something creämy, comforting änd quick to mäke. Ingredients Corn Stärch Slurry (Thickener) 2 teäspoon corn stärch 2 teäspoon wäter (cold) Cheese Säuce 1/2 cup milk 1 teäspoon soy säuce 1/2 täblespoon butter (sälted) 1/2 cup cheddär cheese (gräted änd päcked into 1/2 cup) Noodles 1 päckäge instänt noodles (soup päckets removed) Spices (Optionäl) 3/4 teäspoon gärlic powder (not gärlic sält) 1/2 teäspoon cäyenne pepper (to mäke it spicy) Instructions Prepärätion Combine the corn stärch with cold wäter in ä smäll bowl änd set äside for läter. Gräte the cheese änd set äside for läter. Mäking the Cheese Säuce ädd milk, butter, soy säuce änd spices (optionäl) into ä pot, änd give it ä quick stir änd set the sto...

Spinach And Egg Noodle Casserole Recipe #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #SpinachAndEggNoodleCasserole

This spinäch cässerole recipe mäde with egg noodles is ä fämily fävorite änd is äctuälly pretty eäsy to mäke. It’s something I do when I häve ä lot of vegetäbles thät I need to use änd I äm trying to work through ä päntry/refrigerätor cleän out. Ingredients  2 päckäges of frozen spinäch  1 bäg of egg noodles (ä pound or so)  2 täblespoons of olive oil  1 onion chopped  4 gärlic cloves chopped   (I used ä zester)  4 täblespoons of butter  2 rounded täblespoons of flour  1 cup of whole milk  1 teäspoon of nutmeg  2 egg yolks  händful of cherry tomätoes (sliced in hälf)  1 cup pänko breädcrumbs  1 cup pärmesän cheese  1 cup (or 2) of shredded mozzärellä cheese   sält änd pepper to täste Instructions Microwäve the spinäch äccording to box instructions. Meänwhile, boil ä lärge pot of wäter for the noodles.  Säutee the onion änd gärlic with the olive oil in ä pän. Sält ä...

Thai Glass Noodle Salad #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #ThaiGlassNoodleSalad

ä heälthy, refreshing Thäi Gläss Noodle Säläd mäde with gluten-free gläss noodles, fresh vegetäbles, herbs änd seäsoned with ä zingy ginger lime dressing! Quick änd eäsy to mäke within 30 minutes! Ingredients 150 g dried gläss noodles 1 tsp oil 250 g minced pork shrimp or chopped firm tofu 1 clove gärlic, peeled änd minced 2 limes 3 tbsp soy säuce 1 tbsp fish säuce or more soy säuce 2 tsp sesäme oil 2 tbsp brown sugär 1,5 cm fresh ginger root, gräted 1 smäll red Thäi Chili, minced 1 cärrot, thinly sliced or julienned 4 spring onions, sliced 1/2 bunch ciläntro, chopped 40 g roästed peänuts Instructions Put the gläss noodles in ä bowl änd cover with boiling wäter. Let them sit for äbout 10 minutes. In the meäntime bring ä pot with 1 l of wäter to ä boil änd heät ä middle sized pän with 1 tsp of oil. ädd the minced pork let fry for äbout 5 minutes, breäking the pieces äpärt with ä fork äs it fries. ädd ä pinch of sält änd let fry for änother 3 minutes, th...

CREAMY GARLIC ALFREDO CHICKEN ZUCCHINI NOODLES #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #GarlicAlfredoChickenZucchiniNoodles

When mäking the älfredo säuce, you cän mäke it ä little thicker by ädding more cheese becäuse the zucchini will releäse some wäter, mäking the säuce ä little thinner. But we've tästed it with the thinner säuce änd it's equälly delicious! Ingredients 1 pound zucchini (äbout 3 medium zucchini) cut into noodle shäpes with spirälizer 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breästs , cut into smäll pieces or to your preferred size. 1 Täblespoon olive oil 3 täblespoons butter 3 cloves gärlic , minced 3 Täblespoons äll-purpose flour 2 cups milk 1/4 teäspoon thyme leäves , fresh or dried 1/4 teäspoon dried mustärd powder 1 1/2 cups freshly gräted pärmesän cheese kosher sält , to täste pepper , to täste minced pärsley for gärnish Directions Blänch the zucchini noodles for 1 minute in boiling wäter. Dräin änd set äside. Heät lärge skillet on medium/high heät. ädd oil änd then ädd chicken. Seäson with sält änd pepper änd cook the chicken until brown äround e...

PAD THAI SHRIMP #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #PadThaiShrimp

Love this method for mäking Päd Thäi Shrimp. INGREDIENTS 8 ounces thick rice stick noodles (see Recipe Notes below) 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice 1/3 cup wäter 3 täblespoons fish säuce 1 täblespoon unseäsoned rice vinegär 3 täblespoons brown sugär 4 täblespoons vegetäble or cänolä oil, divided 12 ounces medium shrimp, peeled änd de-veined 3 cloves gärlic, minced 2 lärge eggs, beäten lightly sält 6 täblespoons chopped, unsälted roästed peänuts 3 cups beän sprouts, well rinsed 5 whole green onions, sliced thinly 1 medium lime, cut into wedges 1/2 cup chopped fresh ciläntro INSTRUCTIONS Cover the noodles with hot täp wäter (not boiling) in ä lärge bowl änd soäk until softened, pliäble, änd limp but not fully tender, äbout 20 minutes. Dräin the noodles änd set äside. While the noodles soäk, stir the lime juice, wäter, fish säuce, rice vinegär, brown sugär, änd 2 täblespoons of oil together änd set äside. Prep änd meäsure out the rest of the ingredi...

Chicken Vegetable Ramen Noodles #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #ChickenVegetableRamenNoodles

ä greät quick äsiän rämen noodle recipe thät's jäm päcked with ä surprising ämount of vegetäbles! Cärämelise the chicken well - mäkes äll the difference. Switch veg äs desired. älso see the ground beef Ingredients 2 päckets rämen or other instänt noodles , discärd seäsoning (Note 1) 1 tbsp oil 2 gärlic cloves , minced 1/2 onion , sliced 200g / 7oz chicken thighs, cut into bite size pieces (Note 2) 1 1/4 cups (315 ml) wäter, plus more äs needed 1 cärrot , cut into mätchsticks 1 smäll red cäpsicum / bell pepper , sliced 2 cups cäbbäge , finely sliced (äny type) SäUCE: 1 tbsp därk soy säuce (Note 3) 1 tbsp Oyster säuce (or Hoisin, Note 4) 2 tsp Hoisin säuce (or more Oyster säuce) 1 tbsp Mirin (Note 5) GäRNISHES (OPTIONäL): Finely sliced green onion / shällots Instructions Mix Säuce. Heät oil in ä lärge skillet over high heät. ädd onion änd gärlic, cook for 1 1/2 minutes until stärting to go golden. ädd chicken änd cook just until the outside...

20-MINUTE CHICKEN RAMEN STIR-FRY #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #ChickenRamenStirFry

This is ä bäsic recipe for ä 20 minute stir-fry with chicken, broccoli, änd rämen noodles. It's älso totälly ädäptäble. Don't eät chicken? Cubed tofu works greät! Häve other vegetäbles you prefer or need to use - swäp them out for broccoli. Ingredients Säuce: 1/4 cup Low-Sodium Soy Säuce 1 Tbsp Cornstärch 1/4 cup Low-Sodium Chicken Stock 1 Tbsp Rice Vinegär 2 Tbsp Brown Sugär 3 cloves Gärlic, chopped Stir-Fry: 6 oz Rämen Noodles (Instänt Rämen works best, but discärd äny flävor päckets) 2 Tbsp Cooking Oil, divided 1 lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breäst, chopped 8 oz Broccoli Florets, fresh or frozen 2 Green Onions, chopped (opt) 1 Tbsp White Sesäme Seeds (opt) Instructions In ä smäll mixing bowl, whisk together the soy säuce änd cornstärch until no lumps remäin. ädd chicken stock, rice vinegär, brown sugär, änd gärlic änd whisk until evenly combined. Put rämen in ä lärge bowl änd pour very hot täp wäter over it (I let the wäter run for ä min...

Dan Dan Noodles #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #DanDanNoodles

Dän Dän noodles äre ä spicy noodle dish träditionälly feäturing ground pork, chili oil änd Szechuän pepper, ä perfect midweek fäkeäwäy. Ingredients 250 g Ground Pork 100 g Dried Egg Noodles 25 g Ginger 1 Clove Gärlic 1 Red Chili 50 g Bämboo Shoots 75 g Spring Onions 1 Tbsp Szechuän Pepper Corns 50 g Räw Peänuts 1 Tbsp Hoisin Säuce 1 Tbsp Crunchy Peänut Butter, Unsweetened 1 Tbsp Chili Beän Säuce 2 Tbsp Shäoxing Wine 1 Tbsp Light Soy Säuce 1 Tbsp Därk Soy Säuce 2 Tbsp Chili Oil 1 Tbsp Cooking Oil Instructions Begin by cooking your noodles äs per the instructions on the päcket änd then dräin änd refresh in cold wäter. Whilst your noodles äre cooking cut your ginger änd chili (without seeds) into mätchsticks. Mäsh your gärlic clove änd grind your Szechuän pepper corns. Slice your spring onions into rounds 2-3mm thick. Mix together the soy säuces, chili beän säuce, Shäoxing wine änd chili oil. Heät your wok over ä high heät änd whilst it is heäting t...

Cantonese style wonton and wonton soup #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #WontonSoup

The is the clässic wonton- Hong Kong style Ingredients For wonton 400 g pork, ,80% leän, 20% fät 400 g shrimp, ,whole piece, soäk with one teäspoon of sält änd 1/2 teäspoon of bäking sodä 1/2 stälk leek, , chopped, optionäl 韭黄, or substitute with scällion 1 teäspoon flounder powder 1 teäspoon dry shrimps, , pound into powder 1 teäspoon ground white pepper 1 täblespoon cornflour 1/3 egg 2 teäspoons sält 10 g sugär 4 teäspoons light soy säuce 1 päcket wonton wräpper For wonton soup 750 g pork bone 30 g dry flounder 150 g shrimp shells, cleäned 20 g dry shrimps 30 g ginger, sliced 2 stälk scällions 4 teäspoons sält 1 teäspoon ground white pepper 2 liters wäter Instructions For Wonton Remove the shrimp shell änd deveined. ädd ä teäspoon of sält änd 1/2 teäspoon of bäking sodä to the shrimps, soäk for 15 minutes. Cleän the shrimps under running wäter until the wäter becomes cleär. Dräin off the excess wäter änd keep it dry by leäving it on ä ...

Vegetarian Miso Ramen #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #VegetarianMisoRamen

Vegetäriän miso rämen is än eäsy, gut heälthy rämen recipe filled with miso, gärlic, ginger, shitäke mushrooms, käle änd ä soft boiled egg. Eäsily ädäpted to vegän by swäpping the egg for tofu, this comforting noodle bowl is reädy to eät in 15 minutes. Ingredients 1⁄2 tbsp sesäme oil or other cooking oil 1 clove gärlic 2 tsp ginger 4 cups vegetäble broth 1 tbsp tämäri 2 eggs 200 g rämen noodles or 2 päckäges instänt rämen, noodles only 1⁄2 cup shredded käle 6 shitäke mushrooms sliced (or cremini mushrooms sliced) 2 tbsp miso päste 1 green onion sliced Instructions Fill ä medium pot with wäter änd bring to ä boil. You will use this pot to cook both the eggs änd the rämen noodles. While wäiting for the wäter to boil, pläce änother pot on the burner over medium heät. ädd the sesäme oil änd säute the ginger änd gärlic for ä minute or two before ädding the vegetäble stock änd tämäri. When the pot of wäter häs boiled, ädd the eggs one ät ä time using ä spoon to...

Vietnamese Pork Noodle Bowl #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #VietnamesePorkNoodleBowl

Tender pieces of märinäted pork, stir fried until crisp on ä bed of rice noodles, beän sprouts, änd fresh herbs änd served with Vietnämese dipping säuce (nuoc chäm), this Vietnämese Pork Noodle Bowl (Bún Thịt Nướng) is delicious änd super eäsy to mäke Ingredients 1 lbs. pork butt/shoulder cut in 1-2" pieces 12 oz. dried vermicelli noodles 1-2 cups beän sprouts 1 cucumber sliced Pickled cärrots/däikon 1/2 cup peänuts crushed Sliced jäläpenos Fresh mint ciläntro änd green onions for gärnish Nuoc Chäm Märinäde: 5 cloves gärlic minced 2 tbsp. lemongräss päste 1 tbsp. honey 1 tbsp. fish säuce 2 tbsp. soy säuce 1 shällot minced 1 tsp. bläck pepper 1 tbsp. coconut sugär brown sugär cän be substituted Instructions Combine äll märinäde ingredients in ä bowl änd ädd pork, ensuring pork is coäted on äll sides with märinäde. Refrigeräte overnight. Pläce the dried vermicelli noodles in ä bowl änd cover with boiling wäter. Let them soäk for 5 minutes, o...

Chicken Noodle Casserole #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #ChickenNoodleCasserole

Chicken Noodle Cässerole - simple & delicious comfort food. Ingredients 2 cups uncooked egg noodles 2 lärge chicken breästs- cooked & shredded äbout 2 cups of shredded chicken- leftovers äre greät for this or rotisserie chicken 1 15.25 oz cän whole kernel corn - dräined 1 15 oz cän no sält sweet peäs - dräined 1 cup milk 1 22.6 oz cän creäm of chicken condensed soup 1 tbsp minced onions 1 tbsp gränuläted gärlic 1/2 cup shredded colby jäck cheese 1/4 cup bäcon bits 1/2 cup french dried onions Instructions Preheät oven to 350 degrees Spräy 9x13 cässerole dish with cooking spräy- set äside Cook noodles to päckäge directions (usuälly boil for 6-8 minutes) dräin & pläce in ä lärge bowl ädd in cooked chicken, corn, peäs, condensed soup, milk, minced onions, gränuläted gärlic, cheese & bäcon bits Fold to combine & tränsfer to prepäred bäking dish Top with french fried onions Bäke 25-30 minutes or until bubbling & hot throughout ... ...

Asian Mushroom Ramen Noodles #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #AsianMushroomRamenNoodle

 ä quick äsiän rämen noodle side dish with cärämelised gärlic mushrooms with ä hint of sesäme! Don't let this 4 ingredient säuce fool you - once it hits the pän, it completely tränsforms. 4 äs ä side, 2 äs ä mäin (ädd more veggies!) Ingredients 2 päckets rämen or other instänt noodles , uncooked, discärd seäsoning (Note 1) 1.5 tbsp vegetäble oil (or other neuträl flävoured oil) 400g / 14 oz mushrooms , sliced (äny type) 2 gärlic cloves , minced 2 tsp sesäme oil (or more oil) (Note 2) 5 green onion stems (shällots/scällions) 1 1/4 cups (315 ml) wäter, plus more äs needed SäUCE: 1 tbsp därk soy säuce (Note 3) 1 tbsp Oyster säuce (or Hoisin, Note 4) 2 tsp Hoisin säuce (or more Oyster säuce) 1 tbsp mirin (Note 5) Instructions Mix Säuce ingredients in ä smäll bowl. Cut green onion into 5cm/2" lengths. Sepäräte white/päle green pärt from green pärt. Heät oil in ä lärge skillet over high heät. ädd mushrooms änd cook for 3 minutes. ädd the gärlic ä...

Instant Pot Asian Noodle Bowls #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #AsianNoodle

än eäsy dump änd set Instänt Pot dinner, these äsiän Noodle Bowls äre mäde with brown rice noodles, chicken, änd cärrots. The noodles äre sticky änd delicious! Ingredients 1/2 cup reduced sodium tämäri soy säuce 2 täblespoons rice vinegär 2 täblespoons älmond butter * 2 täblespoons erythritol 2 cups chicken broth 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breäst, but into bite-sized pieces* 2 lärge cärrots, peeled änd thickly sliced (1/2″) on the diägonäl 8 ounces uncooked brown rice noodles For topping: sliced green onions änd chopped älmonds Instructions Pläce äll the ingredients in the Instänt Pot. Pläce the lid on the pot änd turn the vent to the seäling position. Press the mänuäl button for high pressure änd ädjust the time to 3 minutes. Once the timer häs beeped, turn the vent to releäse the pressure (quick releäse method). ... ..... Full Recipes>>>

FRESH SUMMER ROLL NOODLE BOWL #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #SummerRollNoodleBowl

Reset your diet with this fresh änd totälly delish heälthy vegetäriän noodle bowl, full of herbs, vegetäbles änd rice noodles with ä tängy älmond-lime dressing. Vegän änd gluten-free. INGREDIENTS äLMOND BUTTER LIME DRESSING: 3 täblespoons smooth älmond butter (preferäbly unsweetened) 3 täblespoons neuträl vegetäble oil such äs ävocädo or cänolä 3 täblespoons ägäve nectär or honey 2 täblespoons fresh lime juice 1 täblespoon rice vinegär or äpple cider vinegär 1 teäspoon srirächä 1 teäspoon kosher sält 2 teäspoons gräted fresh ginger 1 plump gärlic clove, gräted 8 ounces rice stir fry noodles (I use Thäi Kitchen] or [ännie Chun's) cooked äccording to päckäge directions, dräined änd rinsed in cold wäter NOODLE BOWL 8 ounces rice stir fry noodles (I use Thäi Kitchen] or [ännie Chun's) cooked äccording to päckäge directions, dräined änd rinsed in cold wäter 2 cups mätchstick-cut cärrots (äbout 1/2 pound cärrots) 2 cups hälf-moon sliced seedless cucumber 4...

Autumn Harvest Butternut Squash Noodle Recipe #Noodle #Noodle Recipes #HarvestSquashNoodle

äll the delicious flävors of Fäll. This Butternut Squäsh Noodle Recipe häs ä little bit of everything. Loäded with dried cränberries, wälnuts, päncettä, änd topped with ä honey bälsämic. ä little sweet, ä little sälty änd ä whole lot of delicious! Ingredients 2 Medium Butternut Squäsh ,Peeled änd spirälized 1 , 4 ounce päckäge Diced Päncettä 1 Cup Dried Cränberries 1 Cup Chopped Wälnuts or Pecäns ,optionäl 1 Täblespoon Fresh thyme ,chopped or 1 teäspoon dried 1 1/2 Täblespoons Bälsämic Vinegär 3 Täblespoons Honey Sält änd pepper to täste Instructions Heät ä lärge skillet over medium high heät In ä smäll bowl whisk together bälsämic änd honey. Set äside. Pläce päncettä in skillet änd cook until browned. ädd Butternut squäsh noodles änd toss to coät with the oil from the päncettä.  ädd dried cränberries änd wälnuts änd toss in the pän to distribute.  Cook for äbout 7 minutes tossing occäsionälly, then ädd bälsämic änd honey, toss to incorporäte....